Ban on Exclusivity Clauses in Zero Hours Contracts

Zero hours contracts have been a topic of controversy for some time, with critics arguing that they are exploitative and leave workers without job security or basic employment rights. In response to these concerns, the UK government has recently announced plans to ban exclusivity clauses in zero hours contracts.

What are exclusivity clauses?

Exclusivity clauses are terms in a contract that prevent an individual from working for anyone else, regardless of whether work is available or not. In the context of zero hours contracts, these clauses mean that workers are tied to a single employer, with no guarantee of work or income.

Why are they controversial?

Critics argue that exclusivity clauses are unfair, as they prevent workers from seeking additional employment opportunities to supplement their income. They also leave workers vulnerable to exploitation, as they have no choice but to accept whatever hours and pay their employer offers.

What will the ban mean for workers?

The ban on exclusivity clauses in zero hours contracts is a positive step forward for workers, as it will give them greater flexibility and control over their working lives. It will mean that individuals can work for multiple employers if they choose to, giving them a better chance of earning a decent income and improving their job prospects.

What will it mean for employers?

While the ban will undoubtedly benefit workers, it may have implications for employers who rely on zero hours contracts as part of their staffing strategy. Some may argue that the ban will make it harder for them to plan their workforce, as they will no longer be able to rely on a pool of exclusively available workers. However, it is important to remember that the ban does not prohibit zero hours contracts altogether, and employers can still use them as long as they do not contain exclusivity clauses.


The ban on exclusivity clauses in zero hours contracts is a welcome development, as it gives workers more freedom and flexibility while still allowing employers to use zero hours contracts where appropriate. It is a step towards fairer and more equitable employment practices, and should be welcomed by all those who believe in the importance of providing workers with basic rights and protections.